How to Use CBD for Inflammation and Pain Relief
If you polled the general public even twenty years ago about the safety and value of CBD, chances are you'd have gotten an overwhelmingly negative response. Because it's sourced from the cannabis plant (like THC), people wrongly assumed that CBD must also be a drug with limited or no value outside of recreational purposes.
Since the United States Congress removed CBD from the Controlled Substances Act in 2018, however, the public's perception of CBD and CBD-related products has shifted dramatically, with up to 60% of American adults admitting to having used CBD for one of its many medicinal benefits, such as for reducing anxiety, improving sleep, or treating pain.
Among these uses, CBD's ability to reduce inflammation may be one of the most powerful potential health benefits it offers. Chronic inflammation, which damages the body's cells and even DNA, can be responsible for a wide range of nasty, painful conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.
With the right CBD product, individuals may be able to reduce or prevent this inflammation without the need for prescription drugs, giving them the power to take a small measure of control over their health back into their own hands. Finding the "right" CBD product, then, becomes the most important part of the equation.
To help facilitate that search, we'll go over the specifics of how CBD affects inflammation and chronic pain, different types of approved, nonprescription CBD products, and how to choose the best product for your situation.
The Anti-Inflammatory Properties of CBD
Up front, it's important to state that science has only just begun to understand CBD's various health benefits and mechanisms of action. Still, researchers know that CBD interacts with the human body's endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for critical bodily functions like growth, metabolism, anxiety, and reproduction.
Studies into the potential of both CBD and medical cannabis to treat inflammation are as fascinating as they are optimistic. Specifically, research shows that CBD may regulate the body's level of cytokines, which are secreted by the immune system and normally used to fight inflammation. For patients with chronic inflammatory conditions, however, the immune system may become confused and produce too many cytokines, thus creating inflammation rather than reducing it.
And while this interaction is one of the most researched qualities of CBD for inflammation, other studies have begun to outline countless ways in which hemp-derived CBD products may help fight back against chronic inflammatory conditions.
How often should you take CBD for inflammation?
Consumption timing for CBD depends largely on a product's dosage, method of delivery (oil, gummy, etc.), and the type of CBD it uses. For full-spectrum CBD oil, this may mean taking one dose twice a day. With a more long-lasting CBD mint or gummy, you may only need one dose to last you an entire day. As always, check the packaging of your chosen CBD product for exact information.
Regardless, the most current research does not indicate that there is a "best" time of day to take CBD. This means you should feel free to add your daily CBD dose to any existing supplement routine you currently have, whether it's first thing in the morning or immediately before bed.
How much CBD should you take?
Standard recommendations suggest that first-time CBD users start with about 10 to 20mg, then increase by 5mg every few days until they start noticing significant benefits. It's important to remember that even with similar doses, the effects of CBD will differ depending on the type of CBD in the product you choose.
Full Spectrum
Products labeled as full spectrum generally contain at least minor amounts of every "terpene" present within the hemp plant. While this means that full-spectrum CBD may provide higher potency due to the so-called "entourage effect," it can also increase the amount of THC you consume.
For those who may undergo drug testing or who want to avoid THC altogether, it may be best to stick to a broad spectrum or, ideally, isolate-based product.
Broad Spectrum
With broad-spectrum CBD, potency can vary due to differing levels of CBD, THC, and other terpenes. This means that consumers should spend more time researching products labeled as broad spectrum in order to determine the exact mixture of compounds it contains.
As the name might imply, CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD possible and offers the absolute lowest amounts of THC among all three types. While this may mean slightly lower potency due to the removal of non-CBD terpenes, most isolate products will compensate by upping dosages to maintain benefits.
CBD Oils vs. CBD Edibles vs. Topical CBD
Unlike in previous years when consumers were limited by the number of CBD products available, the modern industry allows far more versatility while shopping for inflammation relief. Typically, CBD products fall into one of three categories, which are the following:
CBD Oils
CBD oils were one of the first nonprescription products to be mass-produced. Typically made from full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD, these oils are taken by applying a few drops beneath the tongue two or three times a day. This delivery method offers faster relief at the expense of how long that relief lasts.
While CBD oils can still be effective in treating inflammation and other symptoms, an increasing number of users now opt for CBD edibles or topical applicators for their convenience and long-lasting effects.
CBD Edibles
CBD edibles consist of either gummies or, more recently, mints. These products come in a range of dosages, potencies, and CBD types and allow you to discreetly take your daily CBD in seconds. Additionally, most types of CBD edibles use natural flavors to mask the earthy, somewhat bitter taste of CBD.
In general, CBD edibles take slightly longer to kick in than oils or CBD extract but provide relief for longer, meaning you likely won't need to take multiple doses throughout the day.
Topical CBD
Unlike oral CBD, topical CBD products are meant to be applied directly to the skin to help treat skin irritation, muscle pain, or joint inflammation. For those with injury-related inflammation or who tend to experience pain in a certain body part, this makes topical CBD one of the best choices possible.
Our Süth Touch Recovery Topical, for instance, packages 100% pure CBD isolate in a convenient rollerball applicator that can be kept by the bedside, in a gym bag, or even in the office to provide discreet, powerful relief from inflammation.
Why Wellgenix Has the Right Products for You
At Wellgenix, we understand that ingredient purity goes hand-in-hand with the best results, which is why our line of Süth CBD Products was formulated using only the purest CBD isolate available. This means a milder flavor, no unnecessary additives or compounds, and a dramatically reduced risk of your CBD product giving a false negative on any tests due to THC content.
Additionally, we designed each of our CBD products with convenience in mind. Whether you choose one of our three proprietary CBD mint formulas or our fast-acting topical balm, every CBD product we sell can be taken or applied in seconds with maximum discretion and ease of use.
There's no reason you should have to live with the pain of chronic inflammation. Take a look at our Süth solutions today and start seeing what they can do for you.